Monday, July 9, 2007


Yay for friends! The very first day of school I met a girl named Tiffany. It wasn't even the first day of school, but a pre-first day of school for one of our classes. A class that would get us acquainted with some students that would have similar classes throughout the year. I remember walking in the first day (a little late) and Tiffany was the only one sitting alone at a table, so I asked if I could sit next to her and she just smiled and shook her head. I remember it like it was yesterday because I remembered thinking what a great smile she had! So we sat down and immediately started talking about EVERYTHING! We became partners in everything we did in that class, and later realized we had a few other classes together. She became such a great friend first semester that we decided to take all of the same classes together second semester. Throughout the year our friendship just kept growing, and now I consider her my best friend! We get along so great, and have much of the same personality and lifestyle. We have so much in common and we tell each other everything. I have had best friends before, but it wasn't until I met Tiffany that I opened myself up completely and trusted her 100%. I'm so thankful that God put us together!

Since summer started though we have not gotten to talk a whole lot. She lives in Colorado Springs, and I moved back to Aurora for the summer. And since we both work A LOT, I knew we wouldn't get to talk as much as we did throughout the school year. It has been sad and I have missed her so much.

At random she IMed me last night on my computer. I was so excited to hear from her! We talked for at least an hour and a half online, and made plans to see each other for the next couple weeks! She is FINALLY coming to Aurora this weekend to spend the night with me and see my house and town and everything. And I am so excited to show her where I live! And then the following weekend I am going to Colorado Springs to spend the night with her! I am so excited for the next 2 weekends because I miss Tiffany sooo much! And we have SO much to catch up on! It's like I am a kid again counting down the days until my birthday, or Christmas. I can hardly wait, I am so excited! All I have to do is make it through this busy week, and then I get to see the bestest friend in the whole world! (for Tiffany's amusement lol). YAY!!!

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