Monday, October 1, 2007

More of Him!

I am going to start challenging myself to do "More of Him" Monday's! I think it will be very good for me not only to blog, but to put into words how God is working in my life. So to start, I am going to write about certain passages that I have been meditating on lately, as well as talk about how God has been working in my life.


Every week in bible study we are encouraged to memorize a bible verse. And while doing my bible study I come across many verses that speak to me. Sometimes I feel as if God is tapping me on the shoulder, and talking to me directly through his word. This past week though I came across a bible verse that was not even in my bible study. I felt like God was trying to tell me something, so I chose that verse to memorize this week. The bible verse is...

"Look around at the nations;
look and be amazed!
For I am doing something in your own day,
something you wouldn't believe
even if someone told you about it."
--Habakkuk 1:5

This passage really spoke to me. It spoke to me because it shows that God really can do anything, and that he WILL. He can and will work wonders in my life that I cannot even foresee right now. Look around at the nations, look and be amazed! It is just letting everybody know that he created this world, and therefore can do anything! It is a very reassuring and comforting verse to meditate on, and I am thankful that God showed me this verse this week.

The other night in bible study my roommate (who is also my bible study leader) asked us how God shows his love to us. When first thinking about this question I could not really think about how He shows us his love. I mean, I know he loves us unconditionally and more than we can even fathom, but how? There must be a way that he shows his love right? Not a minute later that it dawned on me.

At least in my life anyway, I can see his love all around me! God provided me with a Christian home with 4 Christian girls as roommates, who have ultimately become my best friends. Best friends that support me and encourage me through ANYTHING. And even more importantly, they do not judge me. This is the type of friend I have wanted me whole life. And even though I have had best friends before, I have never had Christian best friend that can give me such a positive outlook on things. I just know this was God's doing, and his way of showing me how much he really truly loves and cares for me.

He also provides for me the things I need. Not necessarily the things I want, but when I come across a struggle in my life, God usually shows me a solution. After a sermon one Friday night, I was feeling very guilty, and felt like I needed to tell somebody some things. God showed me exactly what to do, and exactly who to tell. He just provides me with the things I need given the circumstances.

These are just a few of the MANY ways God shows me how he loves me. The Navigators is another way that God is working in my life right now, but I will save that for another blog. Ever since that question was asked in my bible study, I see everyday the ways God works in my life, and how he shows me his unconditional love for me. I cannot even describe the feelings I feel. I just wish everybody would open up their hearts and be able to experience some of the same amazing works that God does in our lives.

To check out more "More of Him" blogs, check out...


... said...

you've made my heart smile =]

thank you for sharing part of your journey. and i'm so glad you are seeing how God is working in your life - i sure see it. i'm very proud of you and am so happy to see you happy.


Susan said...

This is a great post. Keep up the good work.

God speaks to us ALL the time in many ways. The problem is most of us are not aware it is God speaking. We say it's "co-incidence" or "a hunch", etc. when it is God!!! If we open our eyes and ears and expect, and look for Him we will see Him in MANY places and things.

Barb said...

I'm so happy that your attentive to what God is doing in your life -for you and with you.

I'm sure your roommates and others can see God through you. You have a beautiful spirit,Dani.

Don Varey said...

The situation you find yourself in right now, College, GREAT roommates and best friends, Your happiness and your pursuit of Jesus are all an answer to your mom and I's (and im sure yours as well) prayer.
May you continue to listen to His still quiet voice and follow Him.
Love u!